How to improve what I Have?

Wanting more and desire better circumstances in our lives is entirely human, valid, and even necessary. The challenge arises when we seek these changes without being willing to change ourselves.

As Einstein wisely stated: "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it." Therefore, if we wish to alter any situation we are experiencing, we are the first ones who need to change.

Now, what is it that we need to change?

Although each situation may be unique, there is one essential aspect that must prevail in every process of change: the desire to change. Therefore, the crucial first step involves transforming our inclination to remain inert into a genuine longing for inner change.

Just like a person addicted to drugs, for example, does not desire to change until they realize the harm their addiction is causing, the rest of us also do not wish to change until we acknowledge that remaining the same is much worse.

The idea, therefore, is to overcome our innate tendency to expect others or external conditions to change and to begin cultivating internally that desire for transformation. Without this element, the desired changes - despite the effort exerted - will not materialize.

So, if you find yourself in a situation in need of change, remember that the reason why that situation arose in the first place is for the awakening of that longing for your own transformation and evolution within you.

Let's not wait for things to reach a critical point to motivate us to change. Let's commit each day to small actions that help us improve, and as a result, our life circumstances will also improve.


¿Cómo mejorar lo que tengo?


¿Cómo acelerar o detener el tiempo?