Guide to Overcoming Resistance

When someone has an idea for a job change or an entrepreneurial project that deviates from the ordinary, it is very likely that the first opposition will come from their close ones. Rather than encouraging them, these people tend to present a series of arguments that dissuade them from pursuing such thoughts.

The reason may be rooted in the love they feel for the person and, therefore, the fear of their failure, or the fear of the unknown if that person changes course. Regardless of the causes behind their stance, no one is exempt from the unease caused by having, precisely, our dearest ones as the first opponents to our passions and ideas.

Personally, I consider it completely legitimate and necessary that we all have the opportunity to unleash the imagination that motivates and inspires us to think outside the box. Otherwise, why would these thoughts arise in the first place?

In this guide, you will find a series of tips that can help us carry out those projects that some may label as untimely or crazy but that we ultimately feel as a calling:

Tip 1: The first step is to ensure that we have a strong desire for what we want to do and achieve. If we do not truly desire it, it will be very difficult to find the motivation and strength to accomplish it.

One key to knowing if the desire is real and genuine is by answering the following questions: a) How long are you willing to wait for that dream to materialize? b) What price are you willing to pay to achieve it? c) Would you pursue this goal even for free?

Answering these questions will help us determine that our desire is strong enough. If we notice that we are not willing to make much sacrifice, it probably means that we do not truly desire it. If this is the case, the suggestion would be to look for something that genuinely motivates us. In this sense, consider answering these other questions: a)What are you passionate about? b) In what areas do others come to you for help? c) In what aspects do others say you are good at? d) What would you be willing to do or give, even if you received nothing in return?

Tip 2: Once the desire is confirmed, it's time to start taking the first steps. To do this, I suggest setting short, medium, and long-term goals. The purpose is to break down the idea into as many parts as possible, and from there, start setting small, achievable objectives.

It is important to highlight that these goals are not the end or the objective themselves, but rather the compass that will bring us closer to our destination. Therefore, we should not feel stressed or guilty if we do not meet them but simply perceive them as a guide that will help us maintain the focus and direction we need.

Tip 3: Be open to destructive criticism. As mentioned at the beginning, it is likely that those who love us—and those who do not love us as much—will do the exact opposite of encouraging us. In these cases, it is crucial to strengthen our security and certainty in ourselves. To this end, I invite you to follow this link to release the negative emotions that arise when we do not receive the support or approval of our family and friends.

Tip 4: Seek feedback, not validation. Despite the internal and external resistance we already face, it is always beneficial to seek opinions on what we are achieving. Although it can be uncomfortable when contrary to our expectations, this will help us expand our perspective and improve our results. Not all feedback will be valid, but it is important to listen to it as it might reveal aspects we are missing.

It is not recommended to seek or wait for validation or approval from others, as to materialize our dreams or ideas, we do not need to be validated; we need to feel worthy enough to achieve them.

Tip 5: Let go of attachment to the outcome. All attachment brings limitation, so if in our mind and heart we are not open to the possibility of "failing" (i.e., that the dream does not materialize), it means that fears, insecurities, and anxieties will begin to invade the gestation process. This will further hinder and delay its ultimate materialization.

Detachment implies maintaining a balance where, on one hand, we take steps towards what we desire, while on the other hand, we let go of the idea of achieving it through the recognition and release of the negative emotions that the notion of it leading nowhere produces in us.

The goal is to reach a mental and emotional state where we feel good "with this or without this." Such a state of consciousness will help us maintain a constant flow of energy, creativity, strength, and certainty that will lead us to a successful outcome.

To learn the technique of detachment, refer to the link in Tip 3.

Tip 6: It is okay to rest and let go for a while. Often, we feel overwhelmed or that circumstances prevent us from dedicating the time and attention our projects need. When this happens, it is best to set things aside. The important thing is not to feel guilty or believe that our projects are not worthwhile or that we are not capable of achieving them.

Rest, recover, and start again when necessary, as dreams have no age, only the desire to be revealed.

Tip 7: When you feel that continuing makes no sense, reread this guide and start again.

Keep going!


Guía para vencer la resistencia


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